Publish changes on GitHub in seconds

Effortlessly manage branches. Resolve conflicts with confidence.

Compatible with Visual Studio Code, Cursor, and other popular IDEs.

Effortless Rebase
and Edit

Rebase your commits without fear—even when conflicts arise. VisualJJ ensures every rebase succeeds, allowing you to organize and refine your commit history with ease.

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Deferred Conflict Resolution

No more stopping everything to resolve conflicts. VisualJJ lets you defer conflict resolution, keeping your workflow smooth and allowing you to handle conflicts when it’s convenient.

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Seamless GitHub Integration

Stay connected. VisualJJ integrates seamlessly with GitHub and GitLab, letting you track Pull Request status, create PRs in one click, and push changes effortlessly.

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Built for Engineers Who Move Fast

Engineers rely on VisualJJ to stay in flow. Based on Jujutsu, it helps resolve conflicts effortlessly, streamline branch management, and ship code faster—whether you’re a Git pro or just getting started.

VisualJJ is an absolute godsend. Won't ever go back.
oli - Mastodon